Meet Jessica

During my time as the State Senator representing District 13, we have endured the unthinkable. We were the national epicenter of an unprecedented pandemic. Through it all, Queens remained resilient, and each of our neighbors stepped up to care for each other in a way that reminds me why I stepped up to run in 2018.
As the most diverse place in the world, Queens sets a vision for the future - one that is rooted in a deep, mutual care for each other and the understanding that we are only as secure as the most vulnerable among us. 2022 presents a new opportunity - the world looks different than when I was first granted the honor of representing you. I am asking you to renew my contract and grant me another two years in Albany to transform not just Queens, but all of New York State. I want to take on the important work of bringing us all to a better place than we were before the pandemic.

"We all do better when we all do better."
Our Vision
